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Focus on Improved Operations - 5S:

Being organized, having a clear and clean workspace, and implementing standards for how you operate and maintain your workspace have measurable benefits. A methodology termed "5S" was developed in the Japanese manufacturing culture to establish a protocol for companies interested in formalizing their operational activities. It offers an easy to understand formula for all staff and management and detail can be adjusted to suite the customer site.

5S engages people through the use of 'Standards' and ‘Discipline'.

It is not just about housekeeping, but concentrating on maintaining the standards and discipline to manage the organization - all achieved by upholding and showing respect for the workplace every day.

The 5 Steps are as follows:

Sort: Sort out & separate that which is needed & not needed in the area. Straighten: Arrange items that are needed so that they are ready & easy to use. Clearly identify locations for all items so that anyone can find them & return them once the task is completed. Shine: Clean the workplace & equipment on a regular basis in order to maintain standards & identify defects. Standardise: Revisit the first three of the 5S on a frequent basis and confirm the condition of the Gemba using standard procedures. Sustain: Keep to the rules to maintain the standard & continue to improve every day.

Benefits of 5S workplace organization

5S relates to workplace organization and forms a solid foundation upon which many organizations base their drive for continuous improvement. It is equally applicable & successful in all sectors helping to achieve high impact results. It is a systematic and methodical approach allowing teams to organize their workplace in the safest and most efficient manner.


  • Improved safety

  • 5S becomes a fundamental business measure & key driver for Kaizen

  • Forms a solid foundation upon which to build continuous improvement

  • Employees gain a sense of ownership, involvement & responsibility

  • Reduction in waste – as defined by Ohno’s seven forms of waste

  • Improved performance in productivity, quality & morale leads to increased profitability

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